Over 15 years of experience in cultural journalism
- Managing Editor of the International Choral Magazine
- Freelance author for music magazines (such as SINGEN) and concert agencies (such as the Stiftsmusik Stuttgart)
- Podcast author at Vocals on Air, among others
- Former team member of the Carus Verlag publishing house in both the Marketing and International Sales

I enjoy writing and recording podcasts about musical life, CD, innovative projects, books and everyday choral life. My personal style is straightforward, no frills, to the point, informed yet humorous – check my publications below!
- Editing music articles (including translation)
- Contributing to and producing podcasts
- Editing and proofreading programme booklets (also multilingual, including design if required)
- Editing and proofreading CD booklets (including design if required)
- CD and book reviews
International Choral Magazine
Isabelle Métrope has been the editorial director of the International Choral Magazine since December 2020. This publication is published every quarter by the International Federation for Choral Music IFCM.
Magazine SINGEN
The magazine SINGEN is a professional journal for singers, club leaders and choir directors and the organ of the Schwäbischer Chorverband. In 11 issues per year, it offers articles on topics from the areas of choir practice, association management, singing & voice and more. For each issue, a focus is set that is examined from different angles.
Articels in SINGEN (german only):
- Umweltfreundlichere Chorreisen: Utopie oder Umdenken? ; Mai 2023
- Viola Kramer über das Komponieren für Wettbewerbe ; April 2023
- Warum sind Chorwettbewerbe gut? ; Januar 2023
- Chormusik und neue Medien ; Dezember 2022
- Carus‘ 50. Geburtstag ; April 2022
- Neues Jahr, neues Glück: wenn junge Chöre Sprünge schaffen ; Februar 2022
- Die Gedanken sind frei – CD-Rezension ; Dezember 2021
- Anatomie der Stimme – Buchrezension ; Dezember 2020
- Die Quadratur des Kreises ; November 2020
- Wachsen Chorleiter*innen auf Bäume? ; Oktober 2020
- Die Weihnachtsalternative ; Juli/August 2019
Author in the musicological publication „Chorkomponisten aus Württemberg“ (Published by R. Bayreuther, N. Ott, Helbling Verlag 2019).
„Friedrich Silcher in Schnait und Tübingen“, page 226.
Vocals on Air Podcast episodes
Vocals on Air Podcast episodes
Vocals on Air is the podcast for choral singers and the vocal scene. Behind it is a music-loving team of young editors who are themselves part of the choir and vocal scene. The editors of Vocals on Air are the Schwäbischer Chorverband and its Choir Youth.
- Arrangieren – im Gespräch mit Franziska Klein (2022)
- Singen im hohen Erwachsenenalter (2022)
- Rezension „Anatomie der Stimme“ (2021)
- Französische Chorlieder mit dem kammerchor figure humaine (2021)
- Stimmfit trotz Corona (2021)
- Singen in der Kindheit (2021)
- Wie Blinde im Chor singen (2020)
- Complete Vocal Technique (2020)
- Chorprobe digital: Kammerchor Nyklång aus Essen (2020)
- 10 Jahre Liederprojekt (2019)
- Chorkleidung (2019)
- Arrangieren – im Gespräch mit Franziska Klein (2022)
- Singen im hohen Erwachsenenalter (2022)
- Rezension „Anatomie der Stimme“ (2021)
- Französische Chorlieder mit dem kammerchor figure humaine (2021)
- Stimmfit trotz Corona (2021)
- Singen in der Kindheit (2021)
- Wie Blinde im Chor singen (2020)
- Complete Vocal Technique (2020)
- Chorprobe digital: Kammerchor Nyklång aus Essen (2020)
- 10 Jahre Liederprojekt (2019)
- Chorkleidung (2019)