
  • Translator (DE ⇄ FR und EN → FR)
  • Founder of Proforá: pronunciation files for singers
  • Language coach for singers (German & French)

Language coach for singers

Singing in a foreign language can be a challenge. You can book me as a French and German language coach to prepare vocal music repertoire.

To help as many singers as possible all over the world, I founded the innovative portal Proforá, where performers can purchase recordings featuring the correct pronunciation of various vocal texts in more than 12 languages (spoken by native speakers who are also singers!).

Translator & Proof-reader

Are you looking for a proof-reader for a publication or do you need a translator from German or English into French? Send me a message.

Previous translations include: CD-booklets, artists websites, fashion websites, musicology articles, publishing sector.

I proof-read in German and French. For further languages, I can recommend reliable colleagues.


As a native speaker, Isabelle has a perfect knowledge of the French language and is able to use it through impart their own singing experience in a great way. The coaching is flexibleand uncomplicated; above all her analysis of my sample shots had great added value for me.

Nicolas Ries

Professional singer

For our project „LEnfance du Christ“, Isabelle Métrope coached the choir of the Gaechinger Cantorey and our soloists throughoutthe entire rehearsal phase. Thanks to her help, we managed to achieve the tonal colours Berlioz wanted through the text. Her precise work, especially with regard to the correct placement of the vowels, ensured that the choir sounded at its best. Through her her quickand uncomplicated feedback, which even singers without any previous knowledge of French could easily implement, allowed us to devote more time to the music.

Hans-Christoph Rademann

Director of the International Bach Academy Stuttgart


  • B.A. (Hnrs) Applied Modern Languages, Northumbria University (UK) | Maîtrise de Langues Etrangères Appliquées mention Europe, Université de Provence (France) | B.A. Sprachen und Wirtschaft der TH Cologne (Germany)
  • B.A. Musicology & Choir conducting, Folkwang UdK Essen (Germany)
  • B.Mus. Gesangspädagogik, Folkwang UdK Essen
  • M.A. Musikmanagement, Université Jean Monnet, St Etienne (France)



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